Thursday, August 6, 2009

Exciting news….at least for me it was…….

So, I ran the 3.2 the other day….which is 5K so I did meet me goal of running 5K, but I actually want to go out and run a 5K.

Yesterday, I made a goal of running for 45 minutes. It was nice outside so I decided to run…..I went 3.75 miles, which only .25 of that was my warm up and cool down. I was totally amazed that I ran this far. When I went to the gym to work out with OTTO, he wanted me to do more cardio and I ran another 2 miles!

OTTO and I talked about my body last night. He wanted to make sure that I could see the CHANGES that my body has been going through. I must admit that when I look in the mirror, I do see them. When I put on my pants now (the size 12) my first thoughts are “these won’t fit me”. It is hard for my brain to grasp my new body. I still see myself and being a lot heavier. This will take some adjusting.

Someone at work today asked me if I was taking meds and the B12 to lose weight. I knew that this was going to probably come up at some point. The answer is NO, I’m not. I’m doing this the old fashion way. A lot of people here at my work have tried this medication is the past. I’ve seen them get pretty thin and then go right back up when the meds stop. I won’t be doing that!

Well, I need to go and run before I have to leave to get my braces tightened. UGH

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