Friday, August 21, 2009

I'm not feeling allergies are in high gear or something.
I'm stressing over a new class tomorrow. I've been teaching college since I graduated with my Master's in 2006, however, this will be my first class for St Leo University.
That's where I graduated from and I haven't been on campus since then. I'm excited because I now feel like a "real teacher", but annoyed because I don't feel so good. :(

My body is sore from doing legs on Thursday. I was feeling yucky all day and didn't get a chance to exercise. I do feel guilty about this, but I just couldn't find the time between my demands for work and demands for this new class.

I plan on bringing my gym clothes and running at the University tomorrow. They have wonderful orange groves and a beautiful lake. The change of scenery will be nice.

I am enjoying my new position at work. Did I mention that I'm also in charge of the gym? It got a thorough clean up today as I was getting grossed out at the lack of people cleaning up their sweat. When the CHANGE deadline is over...I'm going to start working on a plan to get our officers in shape.

I saw on old friend today. I haven't seen her in months because she moved away. She was amazed at how I look now, she remembered me at my heaviest..212 lbs. She wanted to know where the rest of me went...I told her I didn't care......although I still would like some of my boobs back. They have not been returned to the lost and found yet.

I was talking to Missy and her son the other day. When the walked away, her son came back up to me and told me that he didn't even recognize me and that he had to ask Missy who I was when they walked away. I cannot tell you how much he made my night. I still see myself as 190 lbs most of the time. If I'm looking in the mirror, I can see the's just hard to wrap my head around it.

Part of getting rid of stress is getting sleep. I haven't had much of that lately. I've been getting up at 0430 to get ready for my run, then after the gym at night, sometimes I don't get to bed until way after midnight or so. That's one of the reasons I haven't blogged, just haven't had the time. So with that, I am going to go hit the hay.

OH..haven't tried it yet, but my friend at work showed me this powder peanut butter. You mix it with water to the consistency you want.......59 calories for 2 tbs...usually it's anywhere from 169-260! I will have to try some of this! sons' other mother (Step-Mom of the Year April) has been coming to the gym. She told me she hated me because I've lost weight so she's been working out. I'm so proud of her! She's such a beautiful woman and the best wife of an ex-husband that an ex-wife can have! lol chiropractor said that since I've been running, my left leg is now shorter than my right which explains why I've been really hitting hard on my left leg when I run. I goofed up my hip a bit too so....I have to go once a week now....which I don't mind because I get an awesome massage by Kevin (who just happened to be my "first kiss" when I was in 3rd grade) (yes, it was a bit awkward at first, but we are over that)(and yes, my husband knows and is secure in the fact that I'm not going to run off with my 3rd grade boyfriend) although he does give a great massage!

ok....Drew is home on the moped.....for those that still don't believe me...DREW IS MY SON! So..I'm going to say hello to him (because I never see him..he's usually at work, school or at his girlfriend Sarah's house ) and then its off to dream land.

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