Monday, August 24, 2009

This week is our's hard to believe that its been almost 12 weeks.

I remember when I couldn't run a mile.....on Saturday....I ran 5.37 miles in an hour!
I remember when I didn't run a mile in a week....last week...I logged in over 45 miles.
I remember when I would eat a bag of Doritos for a snack....I haven't had one Dorito since 4th of July and I find I don't miss them.
I remember when I wore a size 20....on Saturday....I fit into a pair of size 10 jeans.
I remember when most of my clothes felt too my clothes are too big.
I remember when I didn't think twice about what I was I evaluate what I eat and enjoy eating good things.
I remember when I didn't eat I eat a whole bunch more.
I remember that I used to eat out a can't remember when the last time was that I ate out
I remember when I slept until 6:30 I run 4 miles by 6:30 am
I remember when I felt alone when it came to losing have an extended family at Dynabody that has helped me realize that I could do it!
I remember when I thought a personal trainer couldn't help have a new best friend who genuinely cares about my overall health and well being.
I remember when I thought I'd wake up one day and be thinner and healthier......because of the CHANGE program, I am!

Missy and I went over to Whispering Pines on Sunday and she ROCKED the house. We jogged and walked the trail and it was awesome. We will be doing this again in the future! She encouraged me to try the spin class.....I loved it! That is another exercise I will add to my list of things I like to do now!
See everyone soon!

1 comment:

  1. Size 10, that is sooo fantastic!! It shows the hard work is paying off....again thanks for Sunday, you don't know much I appreciated it, plus it was alot of fun...again, who knew! C U soon!
